Dear Members,

Please find a revised copy of the NSRA’s (National Small-bore Rifle Association’s) Clarification of Benchrest Rules in the file attachment below. There are lots of pictures showing what is and is not allowed under the revised rules.

Please read if you are in any way associated with Benchrest shooting, and or, you are an RCO in that you ‘Witness’ any Benchrest cards shot (particularly competition cards as you are signing to say that that x-member has shot x-benchrest cards in accordance with the current Benchrest Rules).

The NSRA Clarification of Benchrest Rules are also available on the NSRA website: https://, and on the Club’s website – Members Area – Benchrest and MAtch Rifle Captain’s Page

If you have any questions, please do not hestitate to ask.

NSRA Clarification of Benchrest Rules Final1.pdf