Duty Rosters 2023/2024
Dear all Shooting Members,
This is to confirm the Official day(s) and times a Range Control Officer (RCO), an Assistant Range Control Officer (ARCO) and Key-holder are rostered to be in attendance, at CR&PC CIC Patterdown Range.
Tuesday evening sessions have now ended, as the environmental light is not adequate for shooting safely. These sessions will recommence in April 2024.
Club Sessions at Patterdown from 15 October 2023 to 31 March 2024
~ Sundays 10:00 to 13:00 (10am to 1pm)
Key-holders are rostered, so that if any member of the Club does not have their own equipment they may borrow the Club’s equipment: rifle, shooting mat, spotting scope, purchase ammunition, purchase targets etc.
However, on occasion, ‘key-holders’ may go to the range to have a shoot themselves (when they’re not on duty), and therefore should not be relied upon nor expected to make available club equipment.
A copy of the WinterSpring 2023/2024 Duty Roster is attached, and may also be viewed on the Noticeboard in the clubhouse.
Please make yourselves familiar with the following documents before you shoot, carry out RCO, ARCO and Key-holder duties.
Copies are available on Club noticeboards and on the Members Area of the website – Duty Roster page.
~ Range Orders
~ Range Orders for Shooting Air Weapons Along the 50-meter Firing Point
~ Autumn Duty Roster
~ WinterSpring Duty Roster
~ Range Aide Memoire
~ Assistant Range Controlling Officer Opening up Routine
~ Assistant Range Controlling Officer Closing down Routine
~ Security arrangements and key-holder responsibilities
The most up-to-date specific discipline Rules & regs are available here: https://http://www.nsra.co.uk/index.php/home/reference/rules
It is every shooters responsibility to comply with the Rules and Regs appertaining to specific disciplines and competitions.
Shooters – please familiarise yourselves with these before you shoot, if you have any questions or are in any way unsure please ask your Discipline Captain or the RCO or a member of the Board.
RCOs – it is your responsibility to ensure that shooters are acting in accordance with such rules when they are shooting. By witnessing a shot card you are confirming that the shooter has shot the card in accordance with the rules and regs. If you think there has been an infringement of the rules and regs you are advised not to sign the shot card and to report this to a member of the Board (or email the Club Secretary) as soon as practicable.
All Shooters – may I direct you to the NSRA Summer 2023, On Target magazine, page 33 – Article about ‘witnessing shot cards’ (There is at lease one copy of this magazine in the Clubhouse).
Should you have your own rifle and ammunition and would like to shoot on an ‘unofficial day’, you could use the Club’s messaging portal WhatsApp: https://chat.whatsapp.com/4mfe9pJ7zfc7ox4As3vky8
To, join the group chat to find out who’s going to be at the range and when, that way you could shoot and another could RCO*.
We encourage all our Full Members to apply for a Firearms Certificate (FAC). We appreciate this may be quite a daunting process the first time round, so if you need any assistance please don’t hesitate to ask or send an email.
Best wishes,
CR&PC CIC Club Secretary
Website: https://http://www.chippenhamrpc.co.uk
*In accordance with the Club’s Range Orders and Articles of Association
Autumn2023.pdf – Autumn Roster updated 10Nov.2023
CRPC CIC Articles of Association (revision 7-1-23)1.pdf – CR&PC CIC Articles of Association (revised 7 Jan. 2023)
Key-holder ARCO duties Aide Memoire.pdf – Key-holder / ARCO Aide Memoire checklist Opening Up
Key-holder ARCO duties Aide Memoire_6c63zmmhllnv.pdf – Key-holder / ARCO Aide Memoire checklist Closing Down
Range Aide Memoire (Revised November 2023).pdf – Range Aide Memoire (revised November 2023)
Range Orders 2022(2)4.pdf – Range Orders
RANGE ORDERS for Shooting Air Weapons Along the 50-metre Firing Point1.pdf – Range Orders for Shooting Air Weapons along the width of the 50m Firing Point
Security Arrangements and Keyholder responsibility1.pdf – Security Arrangements
The Obligatory Wearing of Club ID Cards On The Ranges.pdf – The Obligatory Wearing of Club ID Badges on the Ranges
WinterSpring 202324.pdf – Duty Roster Winter/Spring 2023/24 (added 1 Dec.2023)